
Metsim International is always striving to deliver the best customer experience possible. This page contains the latest update for your METSIM® software as well as installation instructions.

Latest Version (.zip)

METSIM® Software Keys Installation

Click here for METSIM® Software Keys Installation & Configuration Document (PDF). All steps must be carried out with administrator privileges.

METSIM® USB Keys Installation

All steps must be carried out with administrator privileges.

1a) For Windows 8 and older, download: USB Key Driver (will save as a .zip folder)
1b) For Windows 10 and newer: Windows 10 USB Key Driver (will save as a .zip folder)
2) Extract/Run: USBKeyDriver.exe
3) Download: METSIM® Software (will save as a .zip folder). NOTE: Google Chrome 17 and later reports all executable applications (.exe) as potentially harmful; we have confirmed our files are safe for download.
4) Extract/Run: METSIM202407.exe. Following METSIM® installation, you will be prompted to Restart your computer; please do so. NOTE: Some security settings will block the installation of the required font files which may cause problems when utilizing METSIM® math tools. To remedy, simply copy the font files located in (…)/METSIM/Fonts and paste into the C:/Windows/Fonts directory.
5) Insert: USB Key
6) Wait for USB Key to be located and activated, the light should come on.
7) Run METSIM® from Start Menu/Programs/METSIM

System Requirements: METSIM® requires at least 100MB of free space on the hard drive and it is recommended to have at least the equivalent of an Intel Core i5 processor. Windows versions 7, 8, 10, and 11 are compatible, either 32 or 64 bit. All installation steps must be carried out with Administrator Privileges.

Note: Once the appropriate key drivers have been installed, only steps 3 and 4 will need to be repeated for future updates.

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